Happiness. . . . . . . . .
That sometimes elusive state of mind that enables you to enjoy the world, your life and the important people with you on your journey. Happiness doesn't just happen to you, you must make it and if you can't make it you must at least be ready to receive it; if by chance it stumbles cheerfully and accidentally into you like a little child chasing a kitten.
Yes that's right
YOU control how happy or not you are; we'll come back to this shortly.
Some people truly believe that the only route to happiness is through having huge amounts of money so they can buy all the things they've always wanted and travel to places they can only dream about. I can absolutely assure you that money, especially lot's of it, on it's own, will not make you happy. It will ease some of life's pressures, but it brings new stresses and strains that you cannot imagine. If you are not happy before you become wealthy, you will not be when you are.
Apart from looking back through recent history at very rich and famous people who have done crazy things because they are unhappy and worse have given up the gift of life; I personally know very wealthy people who were not happy with life, until they had help, either from me or others.
Happiness is in your mind. How you talk to yourself, how you respond to events, what you decide to do; these are all actions that you control.
The problem nearly everyone has, is you think you are in control and procrastinate about any self improvement action you ought to take because of the illusion of your purposeful identity. Meaning that you say
"this is just who I am" to yourself or
"I'm OK, it's just a bad day," or
"I haven't got time."
Creating A Wonderful Life helps you take action. In small steps you learn about what to do and how to do to break down the barriers that have been holding you back. You'll learn how to talk to yourself effectively and rub out negative self talk, how to communicate with other people to get positive results and how to make better decisions amongst many other important life skills. Please don't put off any longer the chance that you have for a wonderful life.
There is no other way of changing your life into a wonderful one unless you take action.
Buy your copy of Creating A Wonderful Life here either in paperback or as a Kindle ebook.
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